"How does this work, exactly?"
How did you feel about gym class when you were in elementary school?
The Best Time to Hire a Ghostwriter is Right Now
Reverse Thinking
What is the average cost of a ghostwriter?
To Overcome Resistance, Write a Book with a Strong Framework & Clear Audience
Why 6 Months Post-Retirement Is the Perfect Time to Start Your Book
The Key to Effective Book Planning
What is your favorite school thing about the fall season?
I Should Probably Stop Calling Myself a Ghostwriter
Does It Matter Where Your Ghostwriter Lives?
What Can Ted Lasso Teach Us about Writing Books?
The 3 Essential Ingredients of a Successful Book Collaboration
People Buy Books for a Reason. So, Give Them One!
Book Collaboration Is a Dance
Have you stepped into the fullness of your authority?
My Top 10 Tips for Writing Your Book's First Draft
Today, I am answering all of your questions about ghostwriting! Yay!
What is the difference between a ghostwriter and a premium ghostwriter?
Professions That Intrigue Me