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Writer's pictureLaura Schaefer

Two Consistent Full-Length Book Milestones

There are many meaningful moments in a book creation partnership, which is what you are entering into when you hire a ghostwriter like me.

Here are two that I notice consistently:

1. At some point approximately one to two months into working together, my client

"lets down their guard" and tells me the real story about something.

The messy truth. What really happened to them or for them.

This unburdening represents a new level of trust between the two of us, and I'm always grateful for these sessions. I am able to hold space and empathy for my fellow traveler in this moment, on this important day in our relationship.

We all carry a lot of pain and doubt along with us for a variety of reasons and sharing our truest stories--even if some parts don't make it into the final draft of our published manuscripts--is a key moment of release and collaboration.

I'm here for it when it happens. I've got you. No emotion is too big for me. I deliberately only work with one or two individuals at a time, meaning I have a lot of emotional space to stay present with my dear clients when this time comes, whenever it comes.

I am never in a rush. I am never one to push anything aside or make it nice or try to spiritually bypass your story with a dismissive bromide. No. We sit with it, no matter how rough or uncomfortable. Together. I can't fix it, but I can hear it.

2. At another point in most book collaborations, we throw out our original plan or

outline for the manuscript and reshape it into what it *really* wants to be.

This can be difficult, but I find that this evolution doesn't have to be so tough or treacherous as long as we're both willing to hold the original plan lightly (see my post about life mottos). I enjoy beginning a project by road mapping and talking through some of major lessons or theoretical milestones and structure. But as we explore together and build rapport, it is okay with me if a new shape or plan emerges. It's natural.

Things change.

The key to this level of flexibility and grace is, again, my commitment to only working with one or two individuals at a time.

Less, but better.

Less, but better.


Don't force.

By refusing to stress myself out or take on too much work at one time, I am able to stay very chill and open to whatever comes up. The corollary to this commitment, however, is the fact that my prices are absolutely premium. To be completely transparent, a six-month engagement with me is $75,000. To add yourself to my schedule for a full-length book in 2023 or 2024, there is a $15,000 deposit.

Book writing is an intense journey.

I am experienced in all parts of it.

I am a good, soulful guide and partner.

I hope we meet on the road one day.

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